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How to take Acceler8 of BEpic

Using supplements Acceler8 of B-Epic

Acceler8 pills by B-Epic are capsules that help you relax and stabilize your nervous system. B-Epic capsules of purple and white must be taken at the same time about one hour (30-60min) before bedtime, washed down with one glass of clean water. If desired, you can drink pills with 1.5 cups of liquid to achieve a better effect.

How else can Acceler8 help?

Acceler8 helps relieve stress and get a healthy, quality and deep night’s sleep. Thanks to B-Epic Acceler8 supplements, you gradually clear the digestive system from the inside of toxins and additionally get an excellent bonus – remove excess weight. The body inside and out will gradually come to a healthy norm. Take Acceler8 pills in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning you will wake up rested and happy, in a good mood, in good shape.

What do Acceler8 B-Epic supplements look like?

Acceler8 Supplement Pack contains two color pills. 30 capsules of white and 30 capsules of purple color. It is recommended that you use one white and one purple capsule a day at the same time before bedtime, drinking B-Epic pills with 8 ounces of clean liquid. One pack of Acceler8 pills “Restore” and one pack of Acceler8 “Sleep” is enough for one month for one person. Instructions indicating the composition of the capsules and general information on the rules of use are indicated on the back of the new Acceler8 packages from B-Epic.

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How do Acceler8 supplements work?

Acceler8 RESTORE Purple Capsule

  • The RESTORE purple capsule, thanks to its natural composition, acts gently and cleanses the body, restoring proper balance. Purple capsules cleanse the digestive system of harmful substances and toxins. Thanks to the beneficial bacteria that are in the violet capsules in the body, a favorable environment is created in the digestive system, which is also positive for the immune system and other systems associated with it.

White capsule Acceler8 Sleep

  • The supplement Acceler8 White Sleep Capsule has a different purpose and is responsible for the calming effect of your body’s nervous system. The Sleep capsule in its composition contains substances that reduce the level of cortisol to the desired norm, bringing the serotonin level to the necessary norm. Thanks to these properties of a white pill, the body falls asleep faster and gets relaxation, with the maximum benefit from a healthy and quality sleep.

Is Acceler8 Safe?

Safe product Acceler8 is an effective natural supplement that has no contraindications. The composition of the drug does not contain unverified, unknown, or harmful chemical components. All the components that make up Acceler8 pills by B-Epic are safe and known in medicine and science for their health benefits for many years.

Remember admission Rules

Any safe product in violation of the instructions for use does not benefit health. It is important that you follow the system correctly and adhere directions to the pills B-Epic intake.

  • Use Acceler8 Capsules only as a whole and do not open them.
  • Use pills Acceler8 only in the evening, about an hour before bedtime.
  • When using B-Epic supplements, try to drink more fluids than you usually drink.
  • Store the B-Epic package in a dry, dark, cool place, out of the reach of sunlight and temperature extremes.
  • If you have a disease or have serious health problems, or are taking the necessary medications related to your illness, consult your doctor additionally.
  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as if you are under the age of 18, a doctor’s consultation is advisable.
  • Acceler8 SLEEP is designed to calm the nervous system and can sometimes cause drowsiness. Do not take the Acceler8 SLEEP supplement while driving, or if your work involves increased attention and high vigilance.

Capsules (pills) Acceler8 B-Epic belong to natural supplements that help maintain health for many years. Follow the rules of the drug and you will get the maximum benefit from B-Epic supplements for health and body.

How to use supplements Acceler8 of B-Epic

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